Education Grant Program
The MDA will be offering 3 up to $500.00 Grants. One Grant will be awarded to each of the following membership categories per calendar year.
1– Open
1-Adult Amateur
The maximum of each grant will be $500.00
Rules and How to Apply
Grant Applications will be accepted Dec 1 – March 1 each year and the MDA Board of Directors will award said grants at the April meeting.
Approved Educational opportunities would include the following:
All dressage related clinics, seminars, and educational programs offered and or sponsored by the following Midwest Dressage, the United States Dressage Federation, and the United States Equestrian Federation. And those Educational opportunities brought before and approved by the MDA Board of Directors on a case by case basis.
- No one person shall receive an MDA Educational grant in consecutive years.
- Should recipient fail to attend the specified event all grant moneys are to be returned to the Midwest Dressage Association within 30 days of the event date.
- Additional funds may be placed and or added to the Grant program fund through donation, fund raisers, ECT.
Requirements of Eligibility
- 2 years consecutive membership with the Midwest Dressage Association.
- A minimum of 4 hours of Equine/Dressage related volunteer time, within 12 months prior to the application for the grant. If volunteer time is not with MDA please forward record of volunteer time and contact number with application.
- or commitment to write an article for the newsletter, draft due with receipts and expense report 30 no longer then 30 days after the event
- or wiling to give a short presentation at the year end awards banquet, brief outline of presentation due with receipts and expense report 30 no longer then 30 days after the event
- A letter of recommendation from a professional Horseperson (Trainer, Instructor, Technical Delegate, or Judge)
- A completed Grant Application, outlining Education event, date, location, estimated expenses.
Recipient’s Responsibility
A complete detail expense report must be furnished to the Board no later than 15 days after the event and must include all original receipts and documentations supporting the amount awarded or spent. Unspent funds must be returned to the MDA no Later than 30 days after the event. All recipients will be Acknowledged in the Newsletter and on Social media.
It is not required but desired by the MDA—that the Recipients write an article sharing what the gained from the educational program they attended for the Newsletter. This would be completed as soon after the event as possible.
- Grant applications can be found and submitted HERE
- Please have your reference send their letter directly to above emails.
- All Applications must be received no later than 12PM April 1st.
- Funds must be used by November 30 of the year the grant is received
- A 1099 tax form will be issued if necessary.
Any questions can be directed to: [email protected]